Friday, August 26, 2005

Its Midnight...

Its midnight, and I'm thankful to the Lord. Thankful that He took the form of Krsna and walked on this earth. I was counting the hours - that "yes", my friends in India are celebrating right now, a few hours later those in England, finally midnight in the East coast of America, which followed into the other timezones in America! Haribol! The Lords anuraga was moving across the world...

How many of you stayed awake until midnight to see the clocks turn, and feel the spiritual vibrations? Janmastami is one of the most auspiscious days in the Hindu calendar. Where were you? Were you focusing on the Lord, or out partying since it was a Friday night? Well, if I was back in England, I would have partied - but with other devotees! Let me ask you this again - do you stay awake to welcome in the New Year? If you do, and you call yourself a Hindu, were you awake to welcome in the Lord?

Nand gher anand bhayo, Jai Kanaiyalal ki ...!
Hathi, ghoda, palkhi, Jai Kanaiyalal ki ...!
Bawa Nand tane darbar, nobat vaage re lo ...!
Hari pragatya taaranhaar, nobat vaage re lo ...!

Recent Janmastami Powerpoint Files

If you are unable to open the Powerpoint .pps email attachments, then let me know via email. Its most likely that you are using an older version of Powerpoint (1997) and my files have been created using the 2003 version.

I've resaved the files, as a compatible version, but you may lose some functionalty (such as the transitions) when viewing the slides. However, what is important is that you see the content!

Thanks to a devotee in England who raised the issue!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Janmastami Special - The Meaning of the HareKrsna Mantra

A mailing went out last night - "Janmastami Special - The Meaning of the HareKrsna Mantra" to all, containing a file with PowerPoint slides explaining the Hare Krsna Maha mantra.

Check your inboxes, check your spam folders, check your trash! If you've not received it, send me an email with the subject "Hare Krsna Maha Mantra" to

Anyone wishing to receive a copy of the whole Hare Krsna Maha Mantra which plays in the presentation, then please email me with the subject "HKMM Bliss". What you hear in the presentation, is just an extract of the chant. The full mantra is beautiful. It is an MP3 file, unzipped size is 4.75MB, zipped up, it is 4.64MB !!! Please ensure that you have enough space in your mail account!

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

Those devotees who had sent me email addresses of other individuals to be added to my mailings - that has been done.

Those devotees who had sent me an email requesting a copy of the "Prabhu Ke Darshan" powerpoint prsentation - that has been done too.

Any issues, me know. As they say - Seva Mein Hum Samarpit Hai !

Janmastami Greetings

Yet another mailing from a devotee. You need to sing it in the tune of "Happy Birthday". Very cute indeed! Hope it brings a smile to all your glorious faces!

Happy birthday Kanhaiya
It's been a long long time
Happy birthday dear Krishna
You're looking so divine

Have a wonderful birthday
Hope someone gives a surprise
May you be even more amazed
Than even you have prophesized

Happy birthday dear Govinda
Cheers to a really great guy
Happy birthday our Radha's darling
And here's a chipped rice lullaby

What Krsna Says

How many of us pray to God, asking for something, only to be disullioned and hurt when things don't work out the way we want them to? I was emailed the poem below by one of my readers:

Krsna Neh Kaha -
If I answer your prayer at once, it is because I am testing your faith.
If did not answer your prayer at once, it is because I am testing your patience.
If I did not answer your prayer at all it is because I have a better plan for you.
Remember Krishna's promises are yes and Haribol!
He is God not man, which explains why He can never fail, hold on...
Don't be discouraged, your miracle is knocking at the door of your heart.
A little more faith is what you need to see all your needs met.
The Prayer Answering Krishna is saying He has met all your needs.
And, if your prayers are not answered, it is simply not destined to be!
Krsna ki krupa yah Krsna ki ichcha hai

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Radha-rani Aur Kanhaiya-lal

The relationship of Radha and Krishna is the embodiment of love, passion and devotion. Radha's passion for Krishna symbolizes the soul's intense longing and willingness for the ultimate unification with God. Shri Krishna is the soul of Radha and Radha is definitely the soul of Shri Krishna. She is the undivided form of Shri Krishna. She will remain a mystery unless one can know her inexpressible divine elements. She is worshipper as well as his deity to be worshipped. She being a beloved of Shri Krishna is known as "Radhika".

The whole universe material and spiritual is the creation of Shri Radha - Krishna. Shri Radha is the presiding Goddess of Shri Krishna. The Paramatma - supreme Lord - is subservient to her. In her absence Shri Krishna does not exist.

Shri Krishna is not only the ultimate object of all love, but also is the topmost enjoyer of all loving relationships. Therefore, in the dynamic and expanding form of Krishna, He has unlimited desires to enjoy spiritual loving relationships or pastimes, known as leela. To do this, He expands Himself into the dual form of Krishna and Radha, His eternal consort and topmost devotee. In other words, Radha is the feminine aspect of Lord Krishna and is non-different from Krishna, but together (both the masculine and feminine aspects). They fulfill the purpose of engaging in sublime loving pastimes to exhibit supremely transcendental loving exchanges.

Brajbhoomi where Lord Krishna was born comprises the twin cities of Mathura and Vrindavan. It is not just a sacred land where Lord Krishna was born and performed His cosmic leela, but a place full of divine reminiscences. It was here that He ultimately found Radha, His inseparable companion. Vrindavan, 15 km from Mathura, was the favorite haunt of the divine couple.


Real love exists between Radha and Krishna.
Real love is transcendental and spiritual.
We have to become attracted to spiritual love
and give up false love and beauty, which are only skin-deep.
There is nothing beautiful underneath the skin.
Real love is Anuraga.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Krishna - A Brief Biography

Lord Krishna was the eighth incarnation of the Supreme Lord, born in Mathura in Uttar Pradesh at midnight on the eighth day of the dark half of the month of Shravana, approximately five thousand years ago.

Lord Krishna was born to Vasudeva and Devaki. A sage had prophesised that their eighth child would kill Devaki's evil cousin Kansa, a demonic King and tyrant, who had forcefully taken the throne of his father, King Ugrasena, and imprisoned him. Fearful of this prophecy, he imprisoned the couple, and killed the first six sons, doubting each one of them. It appeared as if the seventh child was miscarried, but Balarama was miraculously transferred from Devaki's womb to that of Rohini, Vasudeva's youngest wife. Their eighth child then appeared to them in the form of Lord Vishnu and said He would become their son Krishna. The Lord instructed Vasudeva to exchange Him for the girl Yogamaya born to his friend Nanda and his wife Yashoda in Gokula. Vasudeva miraculously escaped from jail and carried out this instruction. Kansa tried to kill Yogamaya, thinking her to be the eighth child, but she escaped and revealed to him her identity as Durga, the personification of material energy.

For eleven years, Nanda and Yashoda were oblivious to Krishna's divine identity, or to the fact that He had been born to Devaki. Krishna was brought up amongst the cowherds, the Gopas and milkmaids, the Gopis in Gokula. Krishna had a very adventurous childhood. When Kansa learned of Krishna and Balarama's escape, he made many attempts to kill Them through a series of demons, but every time the demons were killed by Krishna. He was a mischievous yet loveable boy. He was a maestro with the flute. One of his favourite pastimes was raiding the dairies of the Gopis and mother Yashoda, stealing curds and butter, raiding orchards for fruit, and blaming the other children for his mischief! The most celebrated part of Krishna's life among the cowherds is His amorous pastimes with the Gopis, headed by His beloved Radha.

At the age of eleven, Lord Krishna went to Mathura to fulfil the prophecy and kill his uncle, Kansa, for his wicked crimes, and restored Kansa's father Ugrasena to his rightful throne. He also brought back to life His six brothers from the underworld. Thereafter He moved to Dwarka, killed many demons, married 16,108 Gopis (with Radha being His true consort) and ruled Dwarka.

When Krishna's paternal first cousins, the Pandavas, were about to commence the Mahabharata war on the Kurukshetra battlefield with their first cousins, the Kauravas, Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad Gita (song of God) to Arjuna (a Pandava brother) and manifested Himself to him in His universal form, Vishvarupa. Lord Krishna served as Arjuna's charioteer throughout the war, won by the Pandavas.

Sometime after the war had ended, Krishna, as well as His brother Balarama, departed from this world. That day the ocean engulfed Dwarka and the Kali Yuga commenced.

Krsna leaves Mrityulok

Just Imagine - Pradbhu Ke Darshan

Dipa-Anjali ki Janmastami

Have you received Pradbu Ke Darshan? No? Well, a mailing "Janmastami Greetings" went out last night to all, containing a file with PowerPoint slides which have some of the most beautiful pictures of our Kanhaiya-lal, and simply depicting his birth, life and demise from this mrityulok (planet earth).

Just imagine, those pictures being reality, and you being there! How glorious must it feel to have been there! The happiness, the glory, the laughter, the overwhelming magnitude of the Lords presence. Just Imagine!

Check your inboxes, check your spam folders, check your trash! If you've not received it, send me an email with the subject "Prabhu ke Darshan" to

Monday, August 22, 2005

Krishna's Names

Just as we may have different names according to our various roles—Mommy, Dr. Jones, Sweetheart, Professor, Your Honor—so does God. And since God is unlimited, He has innumerable names.

The names can be generic terms, such as "God" or "the Absolute Truth."
They can be in Sanskrit, such as Govinda, Gopala, or Shyamasundara.
They can be in other languages, such as Yahweh and Allah.

The name Krishna, which means "the all-attractive One," implies that each of us has an eternal relationship with God and we are always drawn either to Him directly or to His energies.

God and His names are identical, so by speaking them we enter His purifying company. Regularly reciting, singing, or chanting His names awakens our innate love for Him and gains us release from bondage to matter.

Krishna is omnipresent. The word has three meanings:

Krishithi-ithi Krishna - The man who ploughs is Krishna. The heart is the symbol of a field. The heart should be cleared of weeds (evil qualities). It should be filled with love. The seeds of the Lord's name should be sown in it. Krishna encourages the devotee to do all this.

Karshathi-ithi Krishna - Because he attracts, he is Krishna. Krishna has the supreme power of attraction. By his words, his sport, his music, and all his actions he attracts all people. This power of attraction is present in everyone. Hence, everyone is potentially Krishna.

Krushyathi-ithi Krishnah - Because he imparts bliss, he is called Krishna. Everyone seeks happiness. The Divine, who is the embodiment of happiness, is in you. God wants you to be happy, but you do not realize it. Try to recognize the source of bliss within you. It is not the true nature of man to be unhappy. When anyone is otherwise, people around him are concerned about him. You should always be happy, because you are the embodiment of the Aathma. Never give way to worry.

As a spark of the Divine, you have to behave like the Divine. Do not give room for grief. What use is there in turning over the beads of the rosary while your mind is thinking of mundane matters? First of all, purify your mind. Dedicate all actions to God. Free yourself from all attachments. Treat all things as gifts from God for which you are the guardian and not the owner.

A Week of Krishna

This Saturday sees the celebration of Janmastami - Lord Krishna's birthday! Our Nandalal's birthday will be celebrated with much pomp, splendor and decoration in millions of Hindu homes and thousands of temples across His universe. So, this week, I shall be focusing on our Kanhaiya, and aspects of Him.

We have all heard of our dear Kanaiyalal, Kanha, Madhusudan Krsna. But, as a Hindu, I ask you - which avtaar was of Lord Vishnu was he? Do you need to think? Well, let me tell you, he was number 8. Krsna is the Supreme Person, the Godhead. Krsna is the speaker of the Bhagavad-Gita ("The Song of God").

Krishna appears under many names, in a multiplicity of stories, among different cultures, and in different traditions. Sometimes these contradict each other, though there is a common core story that is central to most people's knowledge of Krishna.

While in most Dharma traditions and Puranas (accounts), he is one of the major incarnations of Vishnu, in Gaudiya Vaishnavism he is considered to be the only true God, or the source of all incarnations.

Among his important or celebrated aspects are:

Govinda Krishna, the lord of the cow-herders. He is contrasted in this to his brother Balarama representing the cultivators, who is sometimes called Halayudha, the lord of the plough.

Krishna the focus of devotion (the lover, the all-attractive, the flute player). He is frequently shown playing the flute, attracting and bewildering the gopis (the cowgirls) of Vrindavan.

Krishna the child (Bala Krishna). Stories of his upbringing in Gokula and Vrindavan are a staple of children's tales in India, and Hindu's across the world.

The incarnation of the Supreme Being, and the divine Guru, who teaches Arjuna how to take the right action in the Bhagavad Gita.

Purpose behind His Incarnation

"I incarnate whenever Righteousness (Dharma) declines
and evil predominates, to re-establish Righteousness and vanquish evil."
The Lord, Bhagavat Gita (4/78)