Thursday, August 25, 2005

What Krsna Says

How many of us pray to God, asking for something, only to be disullioned and hurt when things don't work out the way we want them to? I was emailed the poem below by one of my readers:

Krsna Neh Kaha -
If I answer your prayer at once, it is because I am testing your faith.
If did not answer your prayer at once, it is because I am testing your patience.
If I did not answer your prayer at all it is because I have a better plan for you.
Remember Krishna's promises are yes and Haribol!
He is God not man, which explains why He can never fail, hold on...
Don't be discouraged, your miracle is knocking at the door of your heart.
A little more faith is what you need to see all your needs met.
The Prayer Answering Krishna is saying He has met all your needs.
And, if your prayers are not answered, it is simply not destined to be!
Krsna ki krupa yah Krsna ki ichcha hai


Anonymous said...

Comments on Today's explanation of answers to our prayers:

Enlightenment is achieved through 20% person's effort, 30% Guru's blessings and 50% God's Grace. But 20% person's effort has to be his/her 1000%. That 20% effort is where the person's past life karma (credit or loan) plays a role. If God's does not answer your prayer, it is because:

1) That is not the best path for us because we need to learn better lessons by not doing that, determined karmically.


2) Time is not right yet. We are born in His image… Shivo hum Shivo hum... ultimately every desire we have in our heart HAS TO BE fulfilled, sooner or later. That is the Law of Karma. So person should strive to be without desires, yet filled with ambition, enjoying everything that comes our way, yet depending upon nothing, working out our destiny, yet not depending upon it, desiring nothing, knowing that we have everything in HIM.

With millions of desires nestled in my heart,
I ask Krisna to come into this life of mine.
Every corner of my mind I have filled with longings,
And have left the least space for His holy presence;
Yet it is I who complain that He does not reveal
Himself in my heart.

I ask Krisna to fulfill my hopes,
But never do I make myself
free from my personal wants,
That His will may be fulfilled in my life.
It is I who demand His service,
And never do I offer to serve His will.

In my cruel selfishness I have shut Krisna off from my life.
In utter loneliness among my crowded desires, I reflect in searching query:
When did I gather these false friends,
who rob me of my Krisna's love and peace.

Hari Om Tat Sat

Dipa said...


Very interesting comment, and thank you for your views. Anyone else care to comment on the comment?