Thursday, December 14, 2006

"Imagine The World Today" - TELECOM ITALIA S.P.A. "GANDHI"

Imagine the world today - if he could have communicated like this...

Here is simply a superb advertisement that shows popularity and respect to Gandhiji. A great advertisement, ironically from a non-Indian company!

This ad won the EPICA awards for "Film Award, in the Communications Service."

Although the award was in 2004, we are only finding out about it now! With this post, I would like to Thank everybody behind this and and enlightening us. We are honoured and glad.

Indeed we need to think on the message "Imagine the world today, if he could have communicated like this."

Click the link: TELECOM ITALIA S.P.A. "GANDHI"

Finally, a BIG "Thank You" to the devotee in England, for emailing the link to me. Keep me informed, and I shall keep all informed!