Saturday, September 24, 2005

Dharma Deck: Humility

Listen to nature's teachings: be humbler than a blade of grass and more tolerant than a tree. Giving up worldly prestige, offer all respect to others and expect none in return.
- Sri Chaitanya

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Dharma Deck: Virtue

Fortitude, forgiveness, self-control, honesty, purity of body and mind, sense-control, study of scriptures, meditation on the Supreme, truthfullness, freedom from anger - this is the tenfold parth of virtue.
- Manusmriti

Monday, September 19, 2005

Dharma Deck: Charity

I have a deck of cards from Mandala. There are 52 in total, and each one has a saying from the vedas, a saint or a swami. I shall try and share them with you here. I hope you have as much enjoyment as I did in reading these!

The sun evaporates water then returns it to the earch as rain -
similarly a wise person accepts life's gifts, then gives them to others when asked.
- Srimad Bhagavatam

Sunday, September 18, 2005


I came across the following quote, and thought it quite apt - to direct to those individuals, who complain that the Hindu dharma is confusing:

If you feel that you are not enlightened, you can always try to be.
Harish Johari, Rasas Lecture Belgium 1997
Quoted from

So, if you were hungry, would you just sit there and starve? Try and find out about things you are unsure about! Search for the light!