Friday, August 26, 2005

Its Midnight...

Its midnight, and I'm thankful to the Lord. Thankful that He took the form of Krsna and walked on this earth. I was counting the hours - that "yes", my friends in India are celebrating right now, a few hours later those in England, finally midnight in the East coast of America, which followed into the other timezones in America! Haribol! The Lords anuraga was moving across the world...

How many of you stayed awake until midnight to see the clocks turn, and feel the spiritual vibrations? Janmastami is one of the most auspiscious days in the Hindu calendar. Where were you? Were you focusing on the Lord, or out partying since it was a Friday night? Well, if I was back in England, I would have partied - but with other devotees! Let me ask you this again - do you stay awake to welcome in the New Year? If you do, and you call yourself a Hindu, were you awake to welcome in the Lord?

Nand gher anand bhayo, Jai Kanaiyalal ki ...!
Hathi, ghoda, palkhi, Jai Kanaiyalal ki ...!
Bawa Nand tane darbar, nobat vaage re lo ...!
Hari pragatya taaranhaar, nobat vaage re lo ...!


Kasthuri said...

Nice blog. It is good to see Sanathana Dharma followers. Keep up the good work. I think spiritual vibrations are akin to fractals. The more you iterate more beautiful the life becomes.

krishna said...

Nice post

" if I was back in England, I would have partied - but with other devotees" shows ur krishna bhakthi

Dipa said...

Haribol Kasthuri Srinivasan! and a Haribol to Krishna too.

I am simply trying to quench my thirst for knowledge, and also ignite the same desire - jignasa (questioning) in others.

I (my thoughts and posts) am the diya (light)
Their mind is like the wind
If their mind is not stable
It will distinguish the diya

But this diya is a magic diya which will keep igniting itself forever...

It is these individuals who's mind is not at peace, because, they have not awakened. But, I shall still persevere, as I have my Anuraga (Divine Love) which keeps me going...

I simply feel that there is too little time...

Dipa said...

The following arrived from a reader in the UK


May I take this opportunity to congratulate you for presenting such an educational information website. Many people like me have no knowledge of our Hindu dharam. Please keep up the good work and I will circulate this to my friends and relatives.

With kind regards